Robert M L Baker, Jr. was born Los
Angeles, California on September 1, 1930. He earned a
bachelor's degree in Physics at UCLA with highest
honors (summa cum laude), Phi Beta Kappa, earned a
master's degree in Physics and a Ph.D. in Engineering
at UCLA-- the Ph.D. degree with a specialization in
space navigation was, according to UCLA officials, the
first of its kind to be granted in the United States.
Faculty of the Department of Astronomy at UCLA from
1959 to 1963 and the Department of Engineering and
Applied Science at UCLA from 1963 to 1971 as a
Lecturer and Assistant Professor. Head of the Lockheed
Astrodynamics Research Center, from 1961 to 1964, was
Editor of the Journal of the Astronautical Sciences,
from 1963 to 1975, was appointed by the U S Secretary
of Education, William Bennett, to the National
Advisory Committee on Accreditation and Institutional
Eligibility of the Department of Education from 1987
to 1989 and President of West Coast University, an
ABET accredited university for the adult learner. Dr.
Baker has published four books and more than 200
technical papers. He won the UCLA Physics Prize, was
recipient of the AIAA’s Dirk Brouwer Award for
outstanding contributions in Astrodynamics and orbital
mechanics, Junior Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year
awarded by Ronald Regan and the 2011 “Outstanding
Lifetime Achievement in the Field of High-Frequency
Gravitational Waves” Awarded by the International
Institute of Information and Systems (IIIS). He was
Vice Chairperson of the first International
High-Frequency Gravitational Wave (HFGW) Conference
and Workshop, appointed Chairman of the HFGW Symposium
at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory in 2010 and keynote address at the 3 rd
HFGW International Workshop in 2017 at Chengdu,
China., Associate Fellow AIAA and is a Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Dr. Baker has been interested in the dynamics of
gravitational fields since the 1950s,
gravitational-wave research since the early 1960s and
cosmology since the 1990s. He holds six patents and
several pending patents in the United States, Europe,
Canada and China in the areas of hydrofoil -ridged
airfoil sail craft, electronic non-invasive facelift
devices, HFGW applications such as gravitational-wave
generation & detection in the laboratory and
airborne remote-controlled grape harvesting devices.
In his 90s Baker perfected his new Rollout Theory of
our Universe and theorized the Cosmic
Gravitational-Wave Background. Dr Baker married his
wife, Bonnie Sue, in 1964 and has three grown children
and four grandchildren. He and his wife reside in Palm
Desert, California. Robert M L Baker, Jr. June 2, 2021
Robert M L Baker, Jr.
PDF of CV]
