Photos of Dr. Robert M. L. Baker Jr.

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India Picture
Rambagh Palace, Jaipur, India, January, 2008

STAIF 2008
Paper Presentation on High-Frequency Gravitional Wave Overview
Plenary Session of the Space Technology Applications Forum (STAIF 2008)
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, February 11, 2008

Chongqing University HFGW Faculty and Graduate Students, April 12, 2008
Chongqing University HFGW Faculty and Graduate Students, April 12, 2008

250 Seat Lecture Hal
250-seat Lecture Hall at Chongqing University, 2008

HFGW Lecture
HFGW Lecture at Chongqing University, 2008

Fangyu Li, Baker, Weijia Wen and Zhenyun Fang  at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, April, 2008
Fangyu Li, Baker, Weijia Wen and Zhenyun Fang
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, April, 2008

Fractal Membrane

Fractal-Membrane-Reflector Component of Li-Baker High-Frequency
Gravitational Wave Detector. Fabricated in Hong Kong, displayed by
Bonnie Baker, May 2008 (Also constructed from solid copper, aluminum and stainless steel)

DelMar 2008
Del Mar, California, July 2008

Fangyu Li and Robert Baker at Chongqing University

Lectures to Chongqing University HFGW Group, October 20, 2008

DelMar 2008
Winter 2008. Clockwise left upper corner to right, First row:
Wendy Baker, Robbie Baker, Harrison Fell, Alexander Fell, Baby Tyler Baker.

Second row:

Alexander Fell, Robin Fell, Harrison Fell, (twice), Bonnie Baker, Robert Baker, Alexander Fell, Bonnie Baker (twice), Robert Baker.

Third (bottom) row:

Jay Leno, Baby Tyler Baker (twice), Robbie Baker, Baby Tyler and Bonnie Baker.

HFGW Workshop

3rd HFGW Workshop, Huntsville, Alabama, February, 2009 Dr. Baker, Chuck Black, Christine Black, Chuck, Jr. and Valerie Black

Ammar Sakaji, Editor of the Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, Robert and Bonnie Baker, Dubai, UAE, April 24, 2009.

Dr. Robert Baker, Bonnie Baker, Gloria Garcia-Cuadrado (Director of the Catalan Aerospace Cluster BAIE, Barcelona Aeronautics & Space Association) and Daniel Ventura Gonzalez Alonso, HFGW Engineering, Madrid, Spain, May 19, 2009, Barcelona, Spain

Bob and Bonnie on the Nile after lecturing at the Center for Theoretical Physics at the British University of Cairo, Egypt, May 4 to 10, 2009.

Bob and Bonnie Baker, New Years at Home, 2010

2-24-10 SPESIF Johns Hopkins APL Baker Lecture on HFGW Gravity Modification

Bonnie’s 50th High-School Reunion, May 2010

Nikolay Kolosnitsyn, Robert Baker, Jr. and Robert Baker III at the Sternberg
Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University on the occasion of Dr. Baker’s Lecture
August 12, 2010

A year of family and fun, New Years 2011
Bonnie & Bob Jr., Robin & Bob Fell, Robbie, Wendy, Alexander, Harrison, Tyler, Nancy Gossett and Gary Stephenson.

Dr. Baker and Tom Hanan at their Micro-sea-craft Lecture, AIAA ASAT Conference, May 21, 2011


Los Angeles Country Club, November 18, 2011, from left: Mingxing Han (MING&SURE Law firm), Ockju Noh, Helene Brownson, Xue Song Jin (“Sampson,” Director raitas Technology Co.), Bonnie Baker and Robert Baker. Picture taken by Li Hao Xi, President, Oriental Dragon Seed Company.

Dr. and Mrs. Baker on the way to present the Technical Keynote Address to the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Applications ICTA 2011 Held Jointly with The 17th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2011 November 30th, 2011 – Orlando, Florida, USA

Keynote Address to the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Applications ICTA 2011 Held Jointly with The 17th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2011 December 1st , 2011 – Orlando, Florida, USA

The Keynote Address can be found at:

The 2011 “Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in the Field of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves” Award from the International Institute of Information and Systems (IIIS), International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Applications: ICTA 2011, the International Institute for Design Marketing in Science, Education and Technology (DeMset) and the 17th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS 2011.

bonnie baker
Bonnie Sue Baker presenting the paper she coauthored “Multiple-layer radiation absorber” at the Space Technology Applications International Forum (STAIFII ), Marriot Hotel, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 13, 2012.

Robert M L Baker, Jr. presenting the paper he coauthored “Gravitational wave generator apparatus” at the Space Technology Applications International Forum (STAIFII ), Marriot Hotel, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 13, 2012.

Photo of Bonnie Baker March, 2012 prior to 15 minute treatment with the Moy-Baker, Low Voltage Electrical Muscle/Cell Stimulation Array, Patent Pending.

The Electrolift ® low-voltage, dermatological, noninvasive, electrical face and neck lift apparatus shown in place on a manikin.

Photo of Bonnie Baker, March, 2012 during 15 minute treatment with the Moy-Baker, Low- Voltage Electric cal Muscle/Cell Stimulation Array, Patent Pending.

Photo of Bonnie Baker, March 2012 after 15 minute treatment with the Moy-Baker, Low- Voltage Electrical Muscle/Cell Stimulation Array, one day later, Patent Pending

Photo of Easter 2012 BABC

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